Ship Classes

Ships are divided into multiple classes which are grouped in class groups, Each class has its own limitations and weapon point pools. Some classes might have bonus roles that give them extra tools.

Max ship size is 3200 square blocks, ie amount blocks long times amount blocks wide = no more than 3200. Runway Blocks are for Runways only, Using this as an armor alternative will result in the deletion of the ship.

Ship classes define size, armament and role in a fleet. Classes will be grouped in size categories.

These are the support vessels of your navy, This includes Corvettes and Frigates. These are fast and agile smaller warships to protect your larger ships from aircraft and submarines.

This group is the only group next to submarines that can operate wc torpedo's

Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Propulsion (MT) Notes
Corvette 1000 12 4 2000 TBA
Frigate 2000 20 10 2500 Can field 10 PMW missiles

These are the workhorses of your navy, this include Cruisers and Destroyers. They can be adapted to function in multiple roles.

Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Propulsion (MT) Notes
Destroyer 3750 30 12 3500 Can field 20 PMW missiles
Cruiser 5750 50 14 5000 TBA

===== Capital Ships =====

Capital ships are the pride of nations, this include battleships and aircraft carriers. They display the success in wealth and power.

  • Battleships can fit large caliber turrets, along with turret based weapons from the other classes. (Excludes the Heather Rocket system)
  • Carriers can fit weapon systems from the support warship and multirole warship classes. ( Excludes Torpedo systems )
Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Propulsion (MT) Notes
Battleship 7500 70 20 7000 Can only use Turret based Weapons
Aircraft Carrier 7000 16 14 5000 Can fit a Resource Core and Repair Tool(in development)

These are the deadliest tools in your arsenal, their ability to fight from deep under water makes them dangerous to any fleet. Their added ability to launch large ballistic missiles makes them an important part of your fleet to insure destruction of any faction to cross you.

  • Can field Ballistic missiles
  • Can fit either 4 weapon core based launchers or 10 pmw missiles.
  • Can fit a single turret from the support warships weapon group.
Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Propulsion (MT) Notes
Submarine 3250 N/A 0 3000 TBA

This is your fleet support ship, able to provide repairs and rearm pmw vessels. Can be used as a small carrier.

  • Can field remote repair tool
  • Can field defensive weapons from the defensive weapons pool.
  • Can fit resource core
Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Propulsion (MT) Notes
Logistics Ship 3750 N/A 10 3000 TBA

This page is still under construction, more text and images will be added later

  • ruless4/ships.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/21 11:01
  • by darkxerox