Ship Classes

Each faction has access to a certain amount of ships per class, this goes for ships currently active in the world. Your quantum hangar can have spares for these classes and are not counted in the overall faction limits.

Just because you have access to a certain amount total ships, that doesn't mean you should have the full amount out in the world. During peacetime keep ships that aren't being used hangered up.

If docked try to keep them magplated at all times so they don't cause physics lag. Only have them connected via connector when transfers need to take place or they need to power something.

Ship Limits
1x Aircraft Carrier
1x Logistics Ship
2x Battleship
3x Cruiser
4x Destroyer
4x Frigates
3x Submarine
8x corvette

Total ships = 26
Ship Classification Block Count Weapon Points PMW Missile Propellers Allowed Notes
Corvette 0-800 75 N/A 2 FWD - 1 P/Side - 1 Reverse Entry level Vessels & and escort ships for larger warships. One Corvette can be Utilized as a LCU Or Hover Landing Craft (Restricted to Only AA category weapons when in an LCU Configuration.)
Submarine 2500 1 DD Class Turret 10 Guided 2 FWD - 1 P/Side(left/right) - 1 Reverse Specialised underwater class, useful for intel and sneak attacks. Can make use of PMW Missiles. Only class that can operate ICBM and fixed torpedo tubes.
Frigate 801-1500 150 10 Guided 3 FWD - 1 P/Side - 1 Reverse Long range attack ships, can make use of PMW missiles & WC Torpedo Launchers (Limited to two)
Destroyer 1501-3000 300 20 Guided 4 FWD - 1 P/Side - 2 Reverse
Cruiser 3001-4500 450 N/A 6 FWD - 2 P/Side - 2 Reverse These ships will act as your navy's muscles and tanks, can make use of PMW turrets.
Battleship 4501-6000 750 N/A 8 FWD - 2 P/Side - 4 Reverse This class is locked to only Turret weapons and AA, can make use of pmw turrets.
Logistics Ship 3000 100 N/A 3 FWD - 1 P/Side - 2 Reverse Smaller logistical ship, can act as resupply base for grids fielding PMW missiles. Can fit a logistics Core
Aircraft Carrier 5500 200 N/A 6 FWD - 2 P/Side - 2 Reverse Your base away from home, can act as resupply base for grids fielding PMW missiles. Can fit a logistics Core

Special Grids

Ship Classification Block Count Weapon Points PMW Missile Propellers Allowed Notes
Heli Carrier 6000 300 N/A 6 FWD - 2 P/Side - 2 Reverse Special Capital Ship, limited to 1 per faction. Follows same rules as regular carrier but it can fit max 8 Helicarrier Thrusters to fly. It can fit the same amount of Air thrusters as water propellers for horizontal movement.


PMW Missiles / Torpedoes Guided PMW missiles cost 15 weapon points each, 10 Weapon points unguided, they have to consist of small grid blocks. And be built from the Missile block packs ONLY that are installed on the server. PMW missiles can only be reloaded at a base, Logistic ship, or aircraft carrier(Welders are not permitted on any other vessel, these are meant to reload pmws/ repair planes). For further details regarding pmw missiles go to PMW Missile Guide

Runway blocks are for runways only, using this as armor alternative will result in the deletion of the ship

For Large grid weapon points go to Large Grid Weapon Points