Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== General Rules ====== This is a friendly SE community and we would like to keep it a place where everybody can feel welcome and safe to chat and share their creations. * We do not tolerate racism * This is an __ENGLISH__ speaking server only. This is to help maintain and moderate a friendly community. * Keep things friendly, any personal insults can result in a ban. A bit of banter is fine but keep it as banter * With PVP comes competition and the odd heated discussion which is fine provided it doesn't get personal * Exploiting, build stealing or other toxic forms of playing the game will result in a straight up ban * We have a __Zero Tolerance__ on abusive actions to the members of staff and Dygamics community. The staff members are volunteers and do not deserve to be disrespected for trying to improve your experience and keep you safe. Everyone enjoys some playful banter but there's a line. Don't cross it. * FOR ANYTHING THAT IS NOT EXPLICITLY LISTED IN THESE RULES IT IS THE PLAYERS RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE A TICKET AND SEEK CLARIFICATION. PLAYERS SHOULD ASSUME IF ITS NOT LISTED HERE IT'S PROBABLY NOT LEGAL. * __DO NOT AT ANY TIME POST LINKS TO EXTERNAL WEBSITES WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION FROM THE OWNER. THIS INCLUDES QR CODES ETC.__ ===== Basic Server Rules ===== - No Hydromanning/Engineer raiding ( using jetpacks to engage players / grids and/or using tools to fight ) - Grids are to be designed to be somewhat realistic, no gunbricks and the likes - NO OFFLINE RAIDING,IF A FACTION HAS 1 MEMBER ON ANY NODE THEY ARE ONLINE. THIS IS JUST BAD SPORTSMANSHIP. IF A WARRING FACTION DOESN'T LOG IN FOR A WHILE CONTACT AN ADMIN. - Do not Ram, ramming is just a lame tactic and we have added a very large selection of weapons to make stuff go boom. - Any grid/script to cause severe server performance issues will be removed, if the action is done intentional the player will be banned. - Static grids are to be placed above voxels, no hiding blocks inside voxels, voxel destruction should be off. - Custom plugins that aren't part of the Plugin Loader approved plugins list are by default banned on our servers, to get it approved get it added to the plugin loader list. - You cannot turn fixed guns into turrets by any means. The only exceptions are Helicopters and Gunships. - Bombers are used for Air to ground operations only. Any use of them to combat other Air assets will have them deleted with no compensation and a warning issued (to many warnings will result in bans being issued at the admins discretion.) - PMW's are not to be used on air assets. These are to be targeted at ground assets and/or Naval assets. - Any weapon or turret not listed on the wiki are considered illegal. Please bring this to the balance team and they will look into getting this added if possible. - VTOL's can either be fighters or Strike Fighters. - Thrust must be pointing in the same direction at any give time. The only exception to this rule is helicopters where they can have a blade/propeller for elevation, tail rotor and a small thruster facing forwards to assist with forward movement. - No placing decoy blocks in voxels or under water. Decoys must be placed above the water line and outside of voxels. Decoys must be placed in a way that they can be destroyed. You can place decoys wrapped in armour if you wish. Anyone found to be placing decoys in otherwise banned places will have the grid removed without warning and run the risk of being banned from the server. - No use of alt accounts/multi boxing. Every player has one account. ====== Grid Cores ===== Each grid will require a grid core, these will also define the type and class of the grid. On paper they are beacon blocks however they will also carry specific points and limits. Each class has its own grid core block, they can be found in the dyg grid cores tab in the G menu. **Grids without a grid core will end up getting removed by the auto cleanup !!** GRIDS ALSO NAMED “SMALL”, “LARGE”, OR “GRID” WILL BE CLEANED UP. **RENAME YOUR GRIDS!** ANY ACTION THAT ALLOWS YOU TO BYPASS GRIDCORE IS **NOT ALLOWED**. ANY GRID FOUND BYPASSING GRIDCORE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED AND THE OWNER/USER WILL GET A STRIKE. ===== Blueprints ===== BLATANTLY USING A BLUEPRINT WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR IS A BIG NO NO. LEGAL WAYS TO OBTAIN GRIDS: * SALE / TRADE * SALVAGE* * STEAM WORKSHOP COPYING A GRID ON ONE OF THE PUBLIC CREATIVE SERVERS IS ALSO NOT PERMITTED, THE SERVERS EXIST FOR PEOPLE TO USE TO TEST OR JUST BUILD STUFF ON. NOT FOR YOU TO BE LAZY AND COPY SOMEBODY ELSE THEIR STUFF. IF GRIDS END UP LOST OR MISPLACED DUE TO GAME BUGS / SERVER ISSUES THE FACTION THAT OWNS THE GRIDS MUST MAKE A TICKET AND AN ADMIN MAY HELP WITH PROTECTING THE GRIDS. THIS IS AT ADMIN DISCRETION AS TO HOW MUCH PROTECTION/HELP THEY WISH TO GIVE. EXPLOITING GAME MECHANICS TO OBTAIN A BLUEPRINT IS ALSO NOT PERMITTED. IF PLAYERS ARE FOUND TO BE EXPLOITING GAME SYSTEMS TO GAIN ACCESS TO OTHER PEOPLE'S BUILDS THEY WILL BE BANNED OFF THE SERVER WITHOUT WARNING. PUNISHMENT FOR BREAKING ANY OF THESE RULES WILL BE DOWN TO ADMINS DISCRETION. IF YOU WISH TO APPEAL AN ADMINS DECISION YOU MUST CREATE A TICKET VIA THE DISCORD. *SALVAGE IS DEFINED AS ANY GRID NOT CURRENTLY CONNECTED OR MAG PLATED TO A BASE OR VOXELS. A PLAYER CANNOT BREAK THESE CONNECTIONS IN ORDER TO SALVAGE. IF FOUND TO HAVE TAKEN AGGRESSIVE ACTIONS THEY WILL BE ISSUED A STRIKE FOR BREAKING ROE. THIS IS MORE TO PROMOTE MAKING SURE YOUR GRIDS ARE EITHER MAG PLATED/CONNECTORED FOR SIM OR HANGARED. rulesgen/general.txt Last modified: 2024/10/10 14:05by darkxerox