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guides:tankbuilding [2023/04/01 09:59] – some grammar corrections cuz IDK how to write proper odst1109adrianguides:tankbuilding [2023/11/12 21:09] (current) – external edit
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 4.- Select your suspension method. You can have tracks, wheels or even go hover, but keep in mind that each one have advantages and disadvantages, like tracks can help you sort difficult terrain at the cost of max speed, wheels give you the mobility at cost of sorting obstacles, and hover tech does the same as wheels but in a sci-fi way and at the cost of your armor (remember that most of the tank's weight it is armor)  4.- Select your suspension method. You can have tracks, wheels or even go hover, but keep in mind that each one have advantages and disadvantages, like tracks can help you sort difficult terrain at the cost of max speed, wheels give you the mobility at cost of sorting obstacles, and hover tech does the same as wheels but in a sci-fi way and at the cost of your armor (remember that most of the tank's weight it is armor) 
-5.- Weaponry for the designated mission. Are you going to take a nice 30mm Chaingun , that's good against infantry, lightly armored vehicles and aircrafts, to a battle where the enemy forces compose of long range 120mm Gauss canons supported by naval artillery? No, right?+5.- Weaponry for the designated mission. Are you going to take a nice 30mm Chaingun , that's good against infantry, lightly armored vehicles and aircrafts, to a battle where the enemy forces compose of long range 120mm Gauss cannons, super heavy armor and supported by naval artillery? No, right?
 Weaponry is one of the most impressive and important aspects of the tank, you need to choose the proper gun, for the proper battle, is not efficient to take a Rh130 when you are facing mostly infantry and light vehicles. Various types of weapons can fill multiple roles.  Weaponry is one of the most impressive and important aspects of the tank, you need to choose the proper gun, for the proper battle, is not efficient to take a Rh130 when you are facing mostly infantry and light vehicles. Various types of weapons can fill multiple roles. 
-ODST1109Adrian — ayer a las 0:23+
 4.- Designing the mobility aspect. This can be rather difficult, as there are three major layers of mobility, these being: Tactical, Operational and Strategic.  4.- Designing the mobility aspect. This can be rather difficult, as there are three major layers of mobility, these being: Tactical, Operational and Strategic. 
 a) Tactical mobility implies how fast is your tank, how fast can it turn, how does it sort obstacles. a) Tactical mobility implies how fast is your tank, how fast can it turn, how does it sort obstacles.
-b) Operational mobility implies how far your tank can go, how many rounds it carries, how many supplies does it carry on it own, what terrain can sort (very different to cross a desert or hill terrain, to a mountainous terrain or a river). +b) Operational mobility implies how far you're tank can go, how many rounds it carries, how many supplies does it carry on it own, what terrain can sort (very different to cross a desert or hill terrain, to a mountainous terrain or a river). 
 c) Strategic mobility implies how you carry your tank forces to battle, how many supplies do you need to keep your forces efficient, how big and heavy is your tank.  c) Strategic mobility implies how you carry your tank forces to battle, how many supplies do you need to keep your forces efficient, how big and heavy is your tank. 
--| These aspects can affect drastically the efficiency of the tank your designing. You can have the best tank in the entire world, but it's to big to fit in your carrying vessels to take it wherever it needs to be, or is the best tank for your logistics but is so small and light that even a 57mm anti-aircraft gun can take them out with ease, losing more than you can produce.+-| These aspects can affect drastically the efficiency of the tank you're designing. You can have the best tank in the entire world, but it's to big to fit in your carrying vessels to take it wherever it needs to be, or is the best tank for your logistics but is so small and light that even a 57mm anti-aircraft gun can take them out with ease, losing more than you can produce.
 -| Mobility in it self is another balance triangle you need to sort out to be as efficient as possible, not jeopardizing combat and logistics effectiveness. This can be achieve in various forms, but none is perfect for all kinds of tanks.  -| Mobility in it self is another balance triangle you need to sort out to be as efficient as possible, not jeopardizing combat and logistics effectiveness. This can be achieve in various forms, but none is perfect for all kinds of tanks. 
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 With this we reach the end of the guide. Hope you found it useful. If you have any questions, you can always ask for help in the community's Discord server. With this we reach the end of the guide. Hope you found it useful. If you have any questions, you can always ask for help in the community's Discord server.
 +A bit outdated guide to AWG Convinent Weapons Pack (CWP): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ieml5Ug4vQ
 All feedback is welcome at ODST1109Adrian#8766 All feedback is welcome at ODST1109Adrian#8766
  • guides/tankbuilding.1680343183.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/11/12 21:07
  • (external edit)