
A faction is a group of players working together towards a common goal.

- only have grids out in the world that are actively being used along with some utility planes, ground vehicles

In peace time factions do not need to have their fleets on display, for performance keep things hangared if not in use. In wartime try to keep the amount of ships to a minimum, having defences ready in the area of combat is fine but other bases keep stuff hangared.

Exploiting factions to increase fleet cap will result your whole faction and its members getting banned from the server.

Ship and Structure limits

Structure Type Amount Ship Class Name Amount
Corvette 4
Frigate 3
Main Base 1
Destroyer 3
Cruiser 2
Fort 4
Submarine 2
Logistics Ship 2
Outpost 5
Battleship 1
Aircraft Carrier 1
Total Structures 10 Max FleetSize 18

This is across all nodes