Table of Contents

Ship Classes

Ships are divided into multiple classes which are grouped in class groups, Each class has its own limitations and weapon point pools. Some classes might have bonus roles that give them extra tools.

Values listed below are still a work in progress and might change here n there closer to launch

Support Ships Group

Selection of ships to build your factions economy or maintain a healthy fleet.

Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Max Main Drives Max Propulsion T Notes
Mining Barge TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA CAN Fit mining equipment
Salvage & Repair Barge TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Can fit a repair/salvage tool

Subcapitals Group

Multi-Role Military vessels to either patrol solo or support larger ships.

Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Max Main Drives Max Propulsion T Notes
Corvette 1250 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
Frigate 3750 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
Stealth Destroyer 4250 TBA TBA TBA TBA Can fit a stealth drive
Destroyer 5000 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA

Capital Ships Group

Your main source for high dps and presence on the battlefield.

Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Max Main Drives Max Propulsion T Notes
Cruiser 6500 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
Battleship 9500 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
Dreadnaught 12500 TBA TBA TBA TBA Can only fit capital sized weapons for offence.

Super Capital Ships Group

Each class is limited to 1 per faction, These massive power houses will project your dominance in the system.

Capable of fitting a capital jump drive

Ship Classification Max Block Count Offensive Points Defensive Points Max Main Drives Max Propulsion T Notes
Titan TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Can only fit capital sized offensive weapons, has access to super weapons.