====== Structure/ship Limits ====== To avoid structure spam and just factions spamming large amounts of massive ships we put some limits in place to keep things a little balanced. ^ Structure limits ^ Ship Limits ^ |1x Main Base\\ 4x forts\\ 6x Outposts |1x Aircraft Carrier\\1x Logistics Ship\\ 2x Battleship\\ 3x Cruiser\\ 4x Destroyer\\ 4x Frigates\\ 3x Submarine\\ 8x gunboat/corvette\\ \\ Total ships = 26 | Try however to spread your assets between bases to reduce lag. Limits are in place to avoid spam and large groups just steamrolling groups with a large volume of large ships. These limits are per faction, and this excludes grids that are hangared in the quantum hangars. Just keep in mind you cannot unhanger stuff if enemies are within 15km of the spot where you hangered the grid. ====== Structure Classification and weapon points ====== ^ Structure Classification ^ Max Block Count ^ Beacon Range ^ Weapon Points ^ | Outpost | 1500 | 10km | 250 | | Fort | 5500 | 15km | 500 | | Main Base | 8000 | 25km | 1000 | === Notes === Each base must have a Base GridCore beacon added, this will auto set broadcast range based on what core is installed. Outpost must be placed at a minimum of 10 km from other friendly bases. Forts must be placed at a minimum of 15 km from other friendly bases. You cannot build anything inside of 10 km radius of a hostile structure, structures placed outside your territory are not covered by the war declaration system. (When in doubt, ask staff.) **The Resource core and GridCore Beacons must be placed above water & voxels!** **A structure must be made static by having it anchored inside voxels** **For Large grid weapon points go to [[:ruless3:largegridweapons|Large Grid Weapon Points]]**