====== Scripting Rules ====== Scripting is being limited this season to help promote a WW2 era where technology wasn't very advanced and mostly analogue/manual. with this being said below we have detailed legal things you can script and what you cannot use scripts for. What is legal to use scripts for: * Inventory managers * CCIP - You can use scripts that give you a rough idea on where dud payloads will impact * Power management scripts (Solar array alignment) * Ship alignment * Submarine submersion Illegal uses of scripts: * Radar scripts * AI/Fleet scripts * guided ordinance scripts * Scripts that are deemed to heavy by the profiler. This list is none exhaustive and gives a rough idea on what is and isn't acceptable. If you are unsure on if something is allowed please ask a member of staff in a ticket if a script is allowed. Grids found to have scripts running that are banned will be removed without warning and without refund.