====== Our History ====== ==== The Beginning ==== The discord server was founded on the 25th of June 2022 by Slayer3000bot to start a new Naval focused SE server. Slayer3000bot offered to host the server on a spare ryzen 5800x with Kyrenic as head admin to run the server and create its rules. With a different naval server dying out (Flotsam) a few of the factions slowly moved over to build a new server. On the 2nd of July 2022 the Kyrenic setup server went live however the next day he was no longer interested in running the project. Slayer3000bot went to find another person to run the server and ended up making DarkXeRoX Head Admin a couple days later. While messing about for a wee while with the server as is things became clear that we had to back to the drawing board and completely rework things if we want to make this work. With DarkXeRoX announcing on the 24th of July that we will be relaunching the server. ==== Naval Seasons ==== We started off running naval season based on fairly modern times, the initial season was a bit of a tester and fairly casual. As we moved on each season became more competitive with large pvp factions joining in. The first season started on : 8th of August 2022 [[general:seasonhistory|Naval Seasons History]] ==== Persistent Space Naval Universe ==== This is still a project thats being worked on. The concept is a persistent and growing universe with multiple solar system each with their own content and lore. These will all be connected via Stargates or traveled to via capital jump drives. The initial launch will only feature the SOL system however instead of seasons like the normal naval here each season will consist of a new solarsystem being added with new content. [[general:spacehistory|Space Naval History]]